I love my Country
The first major computer-based reading curriculum was the work of Richard Atkinson in 1964 at Stanford University which was supported by a grant from the U.S. Office of Education. The project was a first-grade reading curriculum aimed to lessen the need for classroom teachers (Atkinson, 1974).
Computer-based reading curricula continued to develop but were of a commercial nature. Though some research, primarily evaluative, was conducted, most computer-based reading curricula studies have been sponsored by the companies marketing them (Reinking et al, 1996).
These research attempts were exclusively for L1 reading. Only during the past ten years has the use of computers in the field of teaching second language reading been increasing. A variety of studies have shown the importance of using computers in ESL reading (Willet, 1992). Chun & Plass (1996) investigated how reading comprehension can be facilitated with a multimedia application for language learning. They studied the effects of a dynamic visual advance organizer on the macro level and the effects of multimedia annotations for single vocabulary items on the micro level. Furthermore, they examined the relationship between vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension. The results of their study indicated that the visual advance organizer does aid in overall comprehension and that annotations of vocabulary items consisting of both visual and verbal information help more than verbal information only. Also, a moderate correlation between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension was found. Chun & Plass claimed that the results support the dual coding theory and its extension to multimedia learning and emphasize the significance of visual information in addition to verbal information to support both top-down and bottom-up processing in reading in a foreign language.
In another study to improve reading speed and comprehension of ESL students using computers, Culver (1991) implemented a computer reading program to determine the exit and entrance scores of ESL college students and to find out if their reading speed and comprehension would improve. The results showed some improvements for the majority of students in the target group with an overall increase of 3.9 grade level in reading rate. The results show important information about the effect of increasing reading speed on student comprehension as a result of employing computers. It was concluded that the computer was a good tool for improving students' reading rate despite the fact that increased speed did not lead to increased levels of comprehension for some students.
Chun D. & Plass J. (1997) based on underlying theories of L2 reading comprehension and text comprehension with multimedia, discussed "how L2 reading research is focusing increasingly on the cognitive processes involved in reading, that is, the interaction of lower-level, bottom-up processes such as vocabulary acquisition with higher level, top-down processes such as activating prior knowledge" (p.60). They merged this understanding with existing research on learning with technology to find out how students with different learning abilities put together "verbal and visual information". Their goal, in this study, was not to determine the effectiveness of multimedia on reading comprehension, but rather the learners who may benefit from multimedia instruction.
Whereas Chun & Plass used the underlying theory of L2 reading comprehension with multimedia, Preisinger, R. et al., (1988) used the schema theory as a basis to evaluate reading software programs. They developed criteria and questions to evaluate: 1) interactive capabilities of reading software (e.g. its flexibility, response to student errors, and ability to make a distinction between major and unimportant errors), 2) information processing (e.g. support of the use of prediction and problem solving strategies, use of text-based activities in the context of a reading passage, and encouragement of analyzing texts), 3) background knowledge (e.g. building schemata through pre-reading activities), and 4) general software construction and implementation. The goal of this study was to develop an evaluation tool based in light of a theory to help teachers choose the right reading programs for their students.
In drawing conclusion about the use of computers for reading instruction, previous research clearly supported the idea that computer-based instruction facilitates students' reading comprehension and increases their reading speed. This conclusion is supported by the results of the preceding studies and a series of other studies conducted by Kulik, Bangert, & Williams, 1983 who found significant increases in students' reading speed and comprehension across studies of computer-assisted reading instruction. These results should encourage ESL reading teachers to use computers in their classrooms not because they are "new technology" as reported by Wellington, 1995, but rather because of the positive results they bring to students' achievements.
This paper will discuss three software programs that help ESL intermediate teachers to have their students practice reading using computers. The three software programs are: Mac Reader , StoryBoard, and Reading Galaxy. These activities are not meant to be used in one class period but rather in different classes depending on the type of reading we want to teach.
The first program, MacReader, is more concerned with sentences and paragraphs structures. Teacher scrambles the text and student reconstructs it. The teacher should choose the text to be centered from simple language resources that are suitable for ESL intermediate students. Once the text is entered, the program automatically shuffles it so that the students need to reconstruct it. There is a newer software called New Reader published by Hyperbole Software.
The second program, Storyboard, is concerned with text completion and vocabulary building. Learners enter words that are missing from the text by guessing them from the context. Both of these programs provide change to the classes regular activities and are used to train students to use reading strategies and become better readers. MacReader and Storyboard do not have any multimedia capabilities. There are no buzzes, beeps, sounds, colors, or any type of multimedia (AlKahtani & Abalhassan, 1999).
Reading Galaxy, on the other hand, has what the two programs lack in terms of interaction, sound, and music effects. students are interacting with the program while reading; they listen to the computer and follow the directions. Unlike, the other two programs, the teacher cannot add or remove any of the program contents. Thus, the role of the teacher is to "construct" the content in the first two programs and "facilitate" the content in the third program. The student's role is to reconstruct the content in the first two, and construct the meaning in the third one.
As for the reading exercises, when students click on "exercises", a pop up window gives six options: Read, timed reading, paced reading, cloze, sentence jumble, and paragraph jumble. The program is based on one group of exercises that are accessed by two icons found under the group "MacReader". One of these two icons is a glossary for adding vocabulary. Teachers need to have a password to access control programs that are used to author the texts or add to the vocabulary lists. The "Notes" icon accesses students' scores and is available for students as well as for teachers.
Student may type a number between 2 and 15 in the dialog box and click ''OK''. CLOZE exercises replace words from the text with numbers. If a student chooses the number 5, for instance, every fifth word in the text will be replaced with a number. Thus, the bigger the number, the easier the exercise. To work on the exercise, students will need to click a number in the text to select it, then will type the missing word. students can press the 'return' key or click the 'answer' button to check their work. If students need help, they can click the "Hint" button, which will show three options:
Storyboard is a popular and flexible activity, equally at home, in the classroom, and at the computer lab center. It is part of a software package including nine other different programs like: Spell Master, Match Master, Choice Master...etc.
Storyboard is a program that teachers can use to improve their students' reading strategies, build up their vocabulary, and help them practice prediction and guessing. It a is good supplement for teachers to reinforce their regular activities. Like many CALL programs, this program provides change to the class's regular activities. Teachers can use this program to support their reading classes and train students to use reading strategies. students become better readers using their guessing abilities.
Each word in the text is replaced by small squares; one square representing each letter. Learners, working individually or in a small group, reconstruct the text, one word at a time. If they guess correctly, all the occurrences of the word in the text appear. There is no need to start at the beginning of the text. Learners start by entering the words they feel sure about, such as 'grammar words', like "the". As each word is found, the structure of the text becomes clearer and further guesses become easier. Teachers can save and access their students' files. Unlike Mac Reader, students' scores are saved and cannot be changed by students. If a student for example decides to look at the text as a whole, the program will automatically detect that action and save it for teacher to notice.
Last guess ....... Words found ........... Guess a word: .........
The second choice "Show given Words" shows the text with all the words, which the teacher has decided to show to the students according to the lesson plan. The same interface will be displayed.
The students write the word in the space provided after clicking the hidden word to be guessed. Four options are listed vertically on the right of the screen showing:
File, See, Options, Window, and Configure are the items that appear in the main menu. Under each of those items, the student should find different functions needed to run the exercise and check results.
Any move that the student makes is saved automatically and could be checked by the student or the teacher at any time. To review the scores, a student can choose "score" from "see" in the main menu.
The main menu includes: files, edit, authoring, search, window, and configure. This menu is different from the student program's menu. The authoring item is the main difference. student files could be saved and reviewed under the item "File".
Reading Comprehension: students construct meaning by interacting with a text, for example:
In a reading lesson, the Reading Galaxy program can be used as pre-reading, reading, and post reading activities. For the pre-reading activity, the teacher may need to connect the computer to an LCD panel to project the text for students. The teacher then chooses one of the passages that are available among the program options such as the (Warst of the Wurst ) which has a passage of four episodes. By clicking the buttons Read Passage and then Voice, the computer will start reading the text highlighting each sentence as it reads. students may take notes while listening. The teacher then asks students to talk about what they understood from the passage using their notes. This would stimulate students' interest and activate their prior knowledge of the content.
For the reading activity, students will have four minutes to skim the four episodes, one minute for each episode, to find out the main idea. They will be given another 10 minutes to read it again slowly and carefully. The teacher then commands the computer to test students' comprehension by asking them questions related to the passage they have been reading. Clicking the button where it reads "BEGIN" can do this.
For the post reading activity, students can play games related to the reading passage. Such activities would facilitate the students' reading and comprehension of a text. Activities like these can be done from time to time by taking students to the laboratory or by bringing a portable computer to the classroom connected to an LCD panel which would allow the class to see the text to be read. students can practice these activities and other similar activities individually in the lab. The teacher can assign one of the laboratory computers to be used for this purpose
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