Thursday, April 22, 2010

Travelling to West Sumatera

A small review of my hometown . So many beautiful places to visit West Sumatra which I love, but not as pretty as after an earthquake 7.6  Richter on the Kenagarian Tandikek, Patomoan District, Padang Pariaman leveled this beautiful city.  For my  friends who want to visit / tour here do not miss this place.

1). Jam Gadang

Jam Gadang (literally "Massive Clock") is a clocktower and major landmark of the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located in the centre of the city, near the the main market, Pasar Atas, and is a tourist attraction.

2). Ngarai Sianok

Sianok Canyon is a steep Valley (Cliff) located in the border city of Bukittinggi, with district IV Kotoh. Its beautiful landscape.

3). Batu Malin Kundang

In MalinKundang know right? a child cursed into stone because disobedience to his parents. Its location is located in Air Manis beach, Padang.This place is still visited by tourists.

4).Maninjau Like

Located at 140KM at North Padang City,West Sumatrat, 36Km from Bukittinggi, 27Km from Lubuk Basung,Kabupaten Agam. The road to this lake through the corners as much as 44, with views of the lake below.

5). Pantai Padang

This beach is not far from downtown, its location on the outskirts of the road, more cool them here at night, the landscape more beautiful.

6). Lembah anai

7). Kelok 9

The road to Pekanbaru Riau.

Many more...


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